Jun 23·edited Jun 23Liked by Katharine Hill

I still can’t figure out after reading this post and your previous one on the subject of Sunday breakfast how anyone cannot instantly devour down two huge blueberry pancakes in a single sitting. Resistance is futile. Blueberries always win.

I saw on another Substack where if the Ten Commandments are displayed on a large stone monument (similar to the Alabama Supreme Court) and not on a wall hung poster board, then students can safely hide behind it during the next school shooting. Sad, only in Red State America.

I also suspect the girl at the signing ceremony did not faint but was instead spiritually overtaken by the moment, collapsing in divine awe, speaking in tongues on the stage floor, knelt in prayer below the view of the audience and cameras. Probably a common occurrence in Red State America.

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I say let Trump win. Then we'll be done. Just kiddin' but otherwise in fours years he'll be back, just like that Groundhog Day movie : )

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Someone wrote that it’s hard to make fun of a clown. But laughter is a good medicine — if not the best. And the other one about laughing to stop from crying.

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Jun 23Liked by Katharine Hill

Tell your toes I feel their anguish. But, also, tell your toes to stay strong and support their attached foot as we are going need them as we are on the March to defeat fascism.

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By the way, Jim, I did treat myself a few years ago to Swissklip heavy duty clippers. They do a good job if I can get the angle right especially on the big toe. It’s just so much nicer to lean back and be pampered. And I think men are catching on to the joy of the pedi.

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I guess you write for all of us oldies. I love American pancakes (we don’t do them nearly so well over here - and with blueberries: yum). Then there are the feet. I probably need the services of a tender chiropodist but my toes are about as well ordered as the branches on a Hawthorn bush and my toe nails would make the toughest therapist faint away, so I keep my feet encased in socks and continue to limp. And driving - often when alone I take interesting rural detours, taking roads I have never before gone down, enjoying both the countryside and my latest Audible book which has reached a critical moment and I cannot stop driving till the denoument. And there’s tangling with technology: which is wonderful so long as it behaves. But when it doesn’t it is the most frustrating thing in the world. Thanks for overcoming the odds and defeating the agley

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Great post,Katherine! Those of us who have four score years of living can relate to the whole notion that the “best laid schemes…..” Not to mention all te good intentions gone awry. 😊. Loved your take on the hypocrisy of Governor Landry, talking about God and the Ten Commandments while declining the funds that would help feed the poor in his state. You just can’t make this stuff up. What is worse is that other “Christian” governors are doing the same thing. Since they call themselves Christians, I would respectfully suggest that they listen to Jesus who said that the Ten Commandments could be stated in two: Love God above all things and your neighbor as yourself. It is my personal opinion that those who do not believe in the same God I believe in are nevertheless guided by principles and beliefs that allow them to lead decent meaningful lives, and that is as it should be.

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Thanks, Irma. Aretha basically said it all: R E S P E C T! And now I have to get up and dance a little in her honor.

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You’ve made me laugh, Richard. And now that I’ve finished Garrison Keillor’s book on Cheerfulness, I’m ready to start your Savage Poodle. I’ll let you know how I go on.

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Well, Michael, you have some interesting ideas. I had a husband once who was angered by my eating habits. He thought I stopped when I was full just to make him feel bad about being fat. Or maybe because he did the cooking and I was supposed to gorge?? Live and let live, eh.

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