Jun 21Liked by Katharine Hill

I’m no medical doctor, but I doubt it’s not outside of the realm of possibility, that going into Afib around the same time you’re reading up on Project 2025 is no coincidence. I’m a wide open minded science thinker, correlation is closer to causation than all of those academic journal peer reviewers want to admit.

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I’m diagnosed with paroxysmal AFib which means it can occur randomly whenever it feels like. I’ve tried to determine causation and write notes in my Kardia app to document what I was doing. I’ll let you know if I reach any conclusions about a correlation with politics!

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Loved this post, Katherine. Indeed, we are having a massive heat wave. It's great to save your pennies, but in this case I say, turn on the AC, especially if you have Afib, which I know is a you-know-what. That said, I was trying to read through the Project 2025 and I don't know if it made me so mad I almost had a stroke, or scared me so much I almost had a heart attack. Either way, it was not pretty. On a more positive note, I attended my grandson's graduation from Queen's University (my Alma Mater) and he received the University Medal for having the highest marks in his department, Math and Statistics. Not sure if I can handle being the grandmother of a brain. As a precaution am not wearing a button up blouse, in case in my pride I should pop the buttons. Hope you are feeling better.

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Thanks, Irma. I started both parenthood and being a grand later than most so now have a ten-month old grandson who will save the world. Congrats to you and yours for leading the way.

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Pennsyltucky doesn't do deposits on cans and bottles which may explain their presence along the road. I take mine back to the recycle place about every 2 weeks along with plastic bottles, glass bottles (brown are special and so is clear but blue or green or anything else is all the same).

The county pays me a pittance for being a poll worker; I call it beer money when it arrives about 2 months after the date of the election. And if it were a few degrees less warm, I could sit on the porch and drink beer. But even that is too much effort.

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Jun 21Liked by Katharine Hill

Poll worker. You better save up those pennies from recycling. Kevlar vests and helmets ain’t cheap.

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Hey Don A! I have to admit getting into the cooler room has revived me. And I do occasionally make extra money with my work projects so I’ll be splurging more with the AC. But they’re offering respite at various locations in town like the library and senior center so I may take advantage of that too. But not sure I want to be sociable for real.

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RIP Messrs. Mays and Sutherland.

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I honestly hadn’t known that Willie was still alive, but I was glad to read that he had been quite active and revered up until the end. Now I have to catch up on Donald’s passing. Definitely one day at a time.

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